Spinal Decompression Therapy
At Morgan Chiropractic, we heal patients dealing with problematic spinal discs using spinal decompression therapy. Non-surgical spinal decompression therapy is a safe, targeted treatment for any herniated discs in a patient’s spine or nerves. Injured discs in the neck and back cause pain, but can also affect the rest of the body. Herniated discs often have a direct impact on the central nervous system, causing more pain to the extremities. Our doctors can determine if spinal decompression is an appropriate solution for your pain.
Spinal decompression is performed with equipment that resembles a table but has moving parts. Patients lie on their back or stomach, depending on the location of the issue, and are attached to the equipment with padded straps so distraction forces can be applied to the spine. A typical treatment alternates between applying distraction forces to the vertebrae and periods of partial relaxation. The result is the vertebrae slowly and gently separating from each other. This creates a vacuum effect that helps discs return to their natural position, relieving pressure from nerves. A full treatment plan normally lasts about six weeks, and most patients notice a steady improvement during that time.
If you think your back could benefit from spinal decompression therapy, please contact us. To learn more about the services we provide or schedule an appointment with Dr. Loren Morgan, in Anchorage, AK, visit www.morganchiropracticak.com for more information.
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