Whiplash Treatment

Whiplash is a term that describes an injury to the neck that occurs as a result of a motor vehicle or car accident. The most common type of car accident is the rear impact, and most typically, the occupant in the vehicle that gets “rear-ended” is at the greatest risk of injury, including whiplash. To treat whiplash at Morgan Chiropractic, Dr. Loren Morgan may suggest spinal manipulation therapy that involves gently moving the involved joint into the direction in which it’s restricted.

Chiropractic care can help you cope with whiplash because it can help return proper mechanics to the cervical spine (your neck). During a consultation, Dr.  Loren Morgan will evaluate your spine as a whole – even if you go to the office complaining of neck pain following a trauma. He will examine the entire spine because other regions of the spine may be affected (not just your neck). After the examination, Dr. Loren Morgan will be better able to diagnose your condition accurately, helping to create a treatment plan for whiplash.

If you have recently been injured in an automobile accident, don’t let your injuries go untreated, please give us a call. To learn about services we provide at the practice or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Loren Morgan of Morgan Chiropractic, in Anchorage, AK, visit www.morganchiropracticak.com for more information.  


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