Why It’s Important to Stretch Daily

Stretching is important to keep the muscles flexible, strong, and healthy. Without stretching on a daily basis, you may experience limitation in flexibility and range-of-motion. If a muscle isn’t “warmed up” even a little bit before performing your daily activities or a sport, you’ll pose a bigger risk of injury. Dr. Loren Morgan of Morgan Chiropractic encourages patients to stretch each muscle group for at least 10 minutes a day.

Regular stretching is one of the most relaxing and beneficial things that people can do to rehabilitate their bodies on a daily basis. You don’t need a partner or a trainer, all you need is yourself. When muscles and limbs become looser due to stretching, you can move more actively without injury. In addition to improving flexibility, stretching on a daily basis improves posture, decreases stress, and improves circulation.

If you have questions or concerns regarding therapeutic exercise or chiropractic care, please give us a call. To learn about services we provide at the practice or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Loren Morgan of Morgan Chiropractic, in Anchorage, AK, visit www.morganchiropracticak.com for more information.  


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